Rebuilding Lives UK

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Rebuilding Lives UK empowers individuals who have suffered from domestic abuse to have a positive future. We work with vetted tradespeople to make repairs to homes that have been damaged by violent ex-partners of abuse survivors. Our services include: - Repairing damage caused to homes as a result of domestic violence, with access to vetted and trusted Tradespeople - Assisting in increasing security for Survivors through the provision of items such as CCTV cameras and locks - Providing furniture, clothes and other necessities to survivors and families of domestic abuse.

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Rebuilding Lives UK's headquarter address
Line 1: 61 mosley street, international house, manchester, england m2 3, gb
Line 2: 61 Mosley Street
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Google Cloud Hosting Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Nginx
People working at Rebuilding Lives UK
Naima Ben-Moussa
Founder and CEO
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Ala Ghaderi
Marketing Manager
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Fausiat Modupe Balogun
Social Media Expert- Volunteer
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
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