RegenArtis Private Limited

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RegenArtis Private Ltd is developing in vitro human skin model (by 3D Bioprinting) which can be used for screening new therapeutics. This approach can offer major breakthroughs in basic science and medical research. At the same time it can significantly reduce the need for unnecessary killing of animals in laboratories. Animal models are used to address many scientific questions, from cosmetics screening, drug/vaccine development, or new therapies. But major part of the results obtained on animals can not be directly translated to humans. As a result Pharmaceutical companies waste valuable time and money. We are using 3D Bioprinting technique, silk-based bioink and innovative science to create transformative platforms for drug/cosmetic testing.

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RegenArtis Private Limited's technology
3D Bio Printing Undulated Skin Models Disease Skin Models
People working at RegenArtis Private Limited
Varun Agarwal
Business Development Executive
Delhi, India
Sourabh Ghosh
Chief Executive Officer
Delhi, India
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