Resco Products, Inc.

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Resco Products has been servicing the refractory industry for over half a century and grown to 11 facilities across North America which gives us the unique ability to service our customers quickly and efficiently. Resco is a product leader within the refractory industry, creating enhanced products reducing our customers downtime and increased yield volume. Resco Products provides an attention to detail that your company needs. Throughout our manufacturing process each product is inspected at least half a dozen times before shipping. Our industry experts have known the complications you face and will create a solution that best fits your company's goals. With our enhanced engineering department Resco can go outside of the "cookie cutter" solution and provide you with detailed schematics and 3D modeling demonstrating why Resco.

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Resco Products, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 2 penn center blvd, robinson township, pennsylvania, united states
Line 2: 2 Penn Center Blvd
Resco Products, Inc.'s industries
mining & metals
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Bootstrap Framework Eloqua Google Analytics Google Tag Manager Hotjar Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft-IIS Mimecast Mobile Friendly Pardot Remote Salesforce
People working at Resco Products, Inc.
Mark E.
Chief Executive Officer
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Tristan Horan, MBA CPSM
Sr. Director, Supply Chain
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Matt Fennell
Director of Manufacturing and Continuous Improvement
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Trevor Dunthorne
Vice President of Operations
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Greg Kessler
Vice President Sales
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Graham McDonough
CFO & VP of Finance
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Gus Spencer
Project Engineer
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Steven Lubinski
Corporate Controller
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
David Clark B.S. OHST, STS
Director of HSE
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
Patrick McNamara
Vice President Of Technology
Robinson Township, Pennsylvania, United States
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