Rescue Mate

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Rescue Mate Vs The Rest The average motorist brakes down once every 4 years meaning that every time you break down and require assistance the overall average cost is £400 for the one occasion you break down. Download the Rescue Mate App and start saving money today!

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Rescue Mate's headquarter address
Line 1: manchester, m3 2lf, gb
Rescue Mate's industries
Rescue Mate's technology
Google Cloud Hosting Google Font API Google Maps Google Maps (Non Paid Users) Google Play Google Tag Manager Hubspot Mobile Friendly Nginx Stripe WordPress.org
People working at Rescue Mate
Jason C.
CEO & Founder
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Gareth Davies
Head Of Partnerships
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Stuart Moss
Brand Director
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
nick bradbury
Sales Specialist
Manchester, England, United Kingdom
You can find 4 people working at Rescue Mate on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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