Restorative Recovery Ltd

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At Restorative Recovery Ltd we pride ourselves on providing an innovative and rigorous approach to the way Councils, Clinical Commissioning Groups and the NHS commission, decommission and design your services. Our company have proven results through research and consultation, software programme design, troubleshooting barriers and blockages, understanding the current market needs and scoping your future requirements for a sustainable service for your authority and communities. Our consultants have a wide range of experience and expertise in the public and private sectors to ensure your organisation can tap into tried and tested methods guaranteeing the outcomes required to verify your services are up to date with the latest legislative guidelines, value for money financial modelling and strategic options. Working directly with CEO's, Directors, Service Managers and those on the front-line, has enabled our team to not only provide a strategic but also operational approach.

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Tracy Lockwood
Commissioning / Contracts Consultant - Health & Social Care
Braunston-In-Rutland, England, United Kingdom
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