Rhino Logistics LLC

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Rhino Logistics LLC is privately owned company established in 2020. Company offers varieties of forwarding and logistics services to different industries, mainly in Caucasus Region. Company can offer multimodal transportations from Far East, Europe, CIS countries and Central Asia to and from Georgia. Our reliable and professional partners can help us to organize door-to-door Transport services starting from small cargoes up to oversized/OOG and heavy lift project cargoes. We are located in Tbilisi, Georgia. Our experienced operational team is offering professional consultations and services to our customers on daily basis and they are available 24/7. Rhino is customer oriented company and our goal is to offer price & time efficient offers.

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Rhino Logistics LLC's industries
logistics & supply chain
People working at Rhino Logistics LLC
Merab Mgeladze
Tbilisi, Georgia
Ellie Fountain
Human Resources Manager
Tbilisi, Georgia
shoto lezhava
Sales Development Manager
Tbilisi, Georgia
Zachary Ingrum
Delivery Specialist
Tbilisi, Georgia
Davit Khelaia
Sales Manager
Tbilisi, Georgia
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