Richa NV

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Driven. The key word and must-have in the Richa team. We are driven. Not only driven by passion, adventure, adrenaline and even a bit by attitude, but most of all driven by the ride itself. No matter what horizon you're heading for, we want to provide you with the best possible motorcycle safety gear. Therefore, we strive to offer you the most complete range you can imagine, fitting your motorbike, your style and your personality Rely on us, and you will be ready to take up adventure: from the quick ride to work up to the long distance travels around the world. \​\ Turning the engine off is only a pause till the next ride. The same counts for Richa's R&D team: there is no finish line when it comes to improving and excelling. It is this Richa attitude that has brought us to this new chapter in our 60-years company history. Richa joined forces with the world-renowned experience of Gore™ technologies, resulting in Richa's first Gore-Tex® apparel collection, known as the RICHA 100% COLLECTION. \​\ No compromises, full functionality, the best technologies and knowledge.

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Line 1: westerring 27, oudenaarde, 9700, be
Line 2: 27 Westerring
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apparel & fashion
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People working at Richa NV
Bram Franceus
Chief Operating Officer
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Steven Dales, RC EMFC
CFO & Co-owner
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Stijn Rigaux
Purchase and sales director
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Kevin Swyngedouw
Logistics manager
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Olga K. Nuyts
Consultant Dynamics NAV
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Marie Vanaudenaerde
Quality Manager
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Lieske Clement
Business Controller
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Dries Ringoot
Group Business Controller
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Truijens Linda
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
Jerry Stockman
Shop Manager
Oudenaarde, Flemish Region, Belgium
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