riddick & gray

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riddick & gray is the culmination of 10 years of our life partnership. Since we met in the 5th grade, we've studied, created art, and traveled the world together. Our collective professional experiences in social entrepreneurship, zoology, global studies, conservation, journalism, and film production culminate in social impact through a creative lens. We work at the intersection of sustainability, social entrepreneurship, and film production. By connecting networks of socially-minded entrepreneurs and creatives, we uplift visions and bridge a gap in the Los Angeles impact ecosystem. At riddick and gray we're partners committed to creative social impact, and our goal is to foster the leaders of the world while highlighting critical topics as a call to action to audiences everywhere to care for our planet and all of the people on it.

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Line 1: Los Angeles, CA, US
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media production
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People working at riddick & gray
Stevie Gray
Film Production Management & Development
Marcela R.
Documentary Producer
Los Angeles, California, United States
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