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RILA INVESTMENT as one of the leading European batteries' distributors, the economic firm operates under two main business segments - Lead-Acid batteries and Li-Ion high-power solutions. The lead-acid business The lead-acid business is a vertically integrated business model with operating production and recycling facilities in Bulgaria (Monbat AD and Start AD) and recycling plants in Romania, Serbia and Italy. This structure insulates the group from raw material price volatility and enables it to achieve higher operating margins compared to peers. The products in this segment can be divided into the following main groups: starter batteries stationary batteries deep cycle batteries special batteries locomotives batteries leisure batteries The lithium-Ion business The lithium-Ion business under the brand EAS Batteries, based in Germany, is a new market presence in the high-power battery systems' solutions, based on safe and proven LFP cell chemistry. This technology can address many niche high power applications and meet the very high requirements for reliability and safety, which many applications demand in areas such as aerospace, defence, marine and public transportation. Recycled industrial materials Monbat Recycling came about when a business realignment shaped the division into а clearly separate structure. Enabling very efficient vertical integration in the lead-acid business segment, the Recycling has turned into an innovative provider of Lead and Lead Alloys as well as Re-granulated Polypropylene. The division has facilities in Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania and Italy with total capacity amounting to 158 000 tonnes of used lead-acid batteries per annum. The division operates in recycling and trading activities of lead acid scrap batteries lead alloys polyethylene and polypropylene materials Recycling facilities are located in Bulgaria as well as in Italy, Romania and Serbia.

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