Rivendell Theatre Ensemble

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Rivendell Theatre Ensemble is dedicated to advancing the lives of women through theatre. Founded in 1994, Rivendell Theatre Ensemble is dedicated to advancing the lives of women through theatre. An award winning, critically acclaimed professional theatre company Rivendell's productions explore the unique female perspectives of everyday stories in an intimate, salon environment. Since our inception, Rivendell has grown to fill an important role in the Chicago theatre community as the only Equity theatre in Chicago committed to women's stories. Rivendell has become a leader in new play development, a major port for new writers, and today, offers a brick and mortar artistic home for women theater artists to develop their work. After years of being an itinerant company, we moved into our own theater space in 2011 in Edgewater. We are focused on becoming an integral community partner and serving as a catalyst to engage our audiences in a discussion of social issues. With each season, we seek to deepen our mission, expand our audience, and break boundaries for ourselves. Notable productions include the critically acclaimed production of local playwright Anne McGravie's WRENS, the runaway hit Faulkner's Bicycle by Heather McDonald, the gender-bending medieval comedy Silence by Moira Buffini, the sweetly uplifting world premiere of American Wee Pie by Lisa Dillman, the stirring world premiere of Rasheeda Speaking by Joel Drake Johnson, the powerfully wrenching world premiere of Look, we are breathing by Laura Jacqmin, and the unapologetic, eye-opening Midwest premiere of Dry Land by Ruby Rae Spiegel.

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Rivendell Theatre Ensemble's headquarter address
Line 1: 5779 north ridge avenue, chicago, il, united states
Line 2: 5779 N Ridge Ave
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People working at Rivendell Theatre Ensemble
Tanya Ward
Marketing Director
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Meosha Thomas
Board Member
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Helaina Michele Coggs
Literary Intern
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Deb Doetzer
Ensemble Member
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Catherine Painter
Managing Director
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Trisha Hooper
Business Manager
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Anthony Churchill
Graphic Designer
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Rae Gray
Ensemble Member
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Victoria (toy) Deiorio
Founding Member
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Josephine Clarke
Literary Intern
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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