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⬆️ Click "Register" to use our BETA above ⬆️ We are the "FREE AI Writing Assistant for Students" Join the party and start writing 1,000 words in less than 1 minute with Rizzle.ai!!🎉🥳 We believe we are the: "Modern Calculator for Writing" We Solve the Problems: - 75% of students can't write at a basic level - Takes 4+ hours on average to write 1,000 words - 1 in 5 students have a learning disability - 40 - 80 words typed per minute on average 🤩HOW WE FIX THAT🤩 Rizzle.ai can: - Assists students in writing and learning in 9 seconds - Create 1,000 words in 1 minute or less - Teaching kids how to write through assistance - Conducts research and references in 30 seconds The steps are easy as 1, 2, and 3! 1. Make an account and click on a feature 2. Type what you want Rizzle.ai to write 3. Watch our AI take your thoughts and make it into a writing reality! Launching at COLLEGE UNIVERSITIES late JANUARY 2023! 🚀👀🫡

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Riley Monwai
Chief Software Engineer
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