RLC Bookings

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RLC Bookings was set up to be an ethical and transparent choice for your company within two distinctive sectors. The ethos behind the company came from the fact that most clients and staff are at one point unaware of what has been agreed with the other within a given transaction. One, the Recruitment sector - focus, drive and enthusiasm mean RLC Bookings focuses on your campaigns, drives our team to find the best candidates for you and our enthusiasm does the rest. Our second sector focuses on the Entertainment Sector - bringing both artists and companies together in the most accessible way. Allowing transparency in payment means we keep our clients and artists engaged in a rather secular sector. STAFFING AND RESOURCING - Global Oil and Gas Search: With a background in Global Executive Search we provide an accessible approach to dealing with your requirements. We can guarantee your roles are of the highest importance to us, and we will keep you informed each step of the way. Resourcing, at this time, is focused on the Oil and Gas industry, providing Engineers, HR and Security staff to Global companies. Within this sector we also have a strong knowledge of West African recruitment, an often niche market to deal in. ENTERTAINMENT: REGGAE / HIPHOP ARTISTS, DJs & ALL FEMALE ACTS Currently providing a booking service for leading international reggae artists, MCs and various musicians, sourcing events and venues whilst providing logistics and research capabilities.

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Rachel Coyle
Joro Ivanov
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