RocketUrBiz, Inc.

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Our CEO and Founder, Debra Schwartz started RocketUrBiz because of her frustration with the numerous software products she needed to master to get her job done and their inability to work together. This created inefficiencies, data silos, and inconsistent sales, and fully capitalizing on the benefits of each application was far too time-consuming. To create the best solution, she partnered with award-winning software architect and engineer, Tavi Truman to build intelligent workflow automation software and a platform that delivers domain-specific enterprise-grade services to businesses of all sizes. Our first market is residential real estate professionals automating marketing, project management, and transaction management. Future expansion will include similar software for related verticals like lending and licensing our workflow engine to businesses in and out of real estate. Using data and AI-Powered business process automation will give tens of thousands of professionals the leverage they need to stay at the forefront of the technology revolution. Our long-term goal is to become the preferred provider across multiple industries and to build a profitable enterprise that will withstand the test of time. ☎ 408-529-0099 (cell) ✉ CEODebra@RocketUrBiz.com ☛ www.RocketUrBiz.com

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RocketUrBiz, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 131 orchard oak cir, campbell, california, united states
Line 2: 131 Orchard Oak Cir
RocketUrBiz, Inc.'s industries
information technology & services
RocketUrBiz, Inc.'s technology
ASP.NET Bootstrap Framework Google Font API Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft Office 365 Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Outlook WordPress.org reCAPTCHA
People working at RocketUrBiz, Inc.
Tavi T.
Campbell, California, United States
Debra Schwartz
Campbell, California, United States
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