Roehn Management Consulting

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Leading IT to success Experienced. Innovative. Independent. Dr. Steffen Roehn supports leaders and their teams to master challenges and leverage opportunities – with experience and independent advice: Success comes, when people, business and technology are perfectly aligned. Achieving and maintaining that alignment is core for any leader. However, in our digital world the time given for that task is massively shortened. This is, where Steffen's leverage starts. His extended experience, innovative approaches from international projects, a far-reaching partner network and his ability to mobilize people ensure, that you can reach that alignment faster and more effective. Thus, his clients win precious time to outpace competition. Also, success will sustainably last beyond his engagement. Working with Roehn Management Consulting you get access to more than 25 years of experience, innovative approaches from a global network of clients, CIOs and partners and an independent unbiased point of view. Find out more here: www.roehnconsult.com

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People working at Roehn Management Consulting
Steffen Roehn
Founder and CEO
Frankfurt, Bavaria, Germany
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