Roof Maker

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Roof Maker manufactures a suite of patented rooflights, designed to address the most demanding challenges our customers face. Offering the choice of either standard or bespoke sizes and styles, we'll help you transform even the most unusual living or working spaces, maximising light and creating dramatic improvements. We specialise in rooflights and are industry experts, at the forefront of engineering the most advanced technical and design specifications in the world. Our research and development team is constantly working to develop the next-generation in rooflight technology, so you can rely on having the best product available on the market today. Roof Maker is a driving force in setting the criteria for value and high-standards across the industry. We are passionate about our customers and provide an unparalleled level of skilled advice and support to help you choose the right rooflight for your individual project.

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Roof Maker's headquarter address
Line 1: roof-maker ltd, 1 pinfold road, leicester, le4 8as, gb
Line 2: 1 Pinfold Road
Roof Maker's industries
Wholesale Building Materials
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People working at Roof Maker
Mosh Aman
Head Of Sales & Service
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Jonathan A. Brod
Non Executive Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Justin Foot
Interim Chief Financial Officer
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Vanessa H.
Chief Executive Officer
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Lee Harries
Digital Marketing and Transformation
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Gavin Hughes
Design and Engineering Director
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Chris Knight
Manufacturing Team Lead
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Amarjeet Solanki Associate CIPD
Human Resources Management
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Michael Sekhon
Social Media Manager
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
Grace Proctor
Purchasing & Production Planner
Leicester, England, United Kingdom
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