Rotorbit Engineering LLC

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Rotorbit Engineering LLC is a Turkish company founded with the support of TUBITAK 1512 Multiphase Entrepreneurship Grant Program. Rotorbit Engineering LLC specializes in the Aviation and Aerospace industry with special interest on Rotary Wing applications. Rotorbit Engineering LLC designs, develops and markets aerospace simulation and analysis tools for engineering applications. Rotorbit Engineering LLC performs consulting activities on variety of topics including fixed-wing and rotorcraft aerodynamics, modeling, and simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD), shipboard aircraft operation modeling and simulation, ducted fan air vehicle modeling and simulation, and controller law development and testing.

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aviation & aerospace
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People working at Rotorbit Engineering LLC
Gurbuz Taha Ozdemir, Ph.D.
Co-Founder & CEO
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Yeşim Değirmen Yakasız
Software Designer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Murat Mert Y.
Software Engineer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Yeliz Saka Yıldız
Space System Engineer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Bora Korkut
Senior Decision Support Analyst
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Berkay Pirlepeli
AR-GE Mühendisi
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Dilan Şen
Software Engineer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
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