Royal Lestari Utama

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PT Royal Lestari Utama (RLU) is an integrated natural rubber company: a pioneer and leader in sustainable natural rubber production. We were established in 2015 through a joint venture between Barito Pacific Group (Indonesia) and Michelin Group (France), one of the world's largest tire producers. Through its subsidiaries, RLU has developed and manages more than 88,000 hectares of natural rubber in Jambi and East Kalimantan, and operates first and only remilling factory in East Kalimantan. We transform unproductive areas destroyed by illegal logging and "slash-and-burn"​ practices into productive lands - through reforestation and rubber planting. Rubber trees are planted on 50% of our concession lands, while we set aside the remaining lands for community livelihood and conservation. With Indonesia's first ever sustainable rubber plantations, we're an example of what can happen when businesses have the drive, resources and patience to do what's best for the earth, for communities and in the long term - for our bottom line. At RLU, we believe that the smart production of quality rubber can provide sustainable livelihoods for workers and communities, while protecting the environment and creating a business that rewards the local and national economy.

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People working at Royal Lestari Utama
Jan Blaauw
Vice President Board Of Directors
Yasmine Sagita
Anjas Zulfikar
Talent & Organization Development Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Yodi Mardiyawan
Talent & Development
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Nusyirwan Manurung
Finance Accounting Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Fifi Pangestu
Board of Commissioners
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
js silaban
Senior Production Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Andreas Hapsoro N.
HRGA General Manager
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
Lukas Oktagape
Corporate Legal
Warman Purba
GM Operation
Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
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