Rubber Monkey

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Our 24/7 web superstore is committed to selling the most diverse range of Film, Video and Audio products directly to Aussie and Kiwi customers at the best possible prices and with unparalleled service. Whether you are looking to buy a cine kit for your Canon DSLR camera, hire a radio mic for production work, software to edit your latest project or just need advice on equipment, chances are we've used it on a Film, Television or Music project. We'll give you our real world advice and tips. Rubber Monkey main offices and warehouse are located in the Capital City and Film-making mecca of Wellington, New Zealand. The Rubber Monkey brand further includes: - Rubber Monkey Rentals - Rubber Monkey Digital Film - Rubber Monkey Software

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People working at Rubber Monkey
Laurence Alexander
Director / C.E.O
Philip Cox
Chief Technology Officer
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
George Nepia
Project Manager
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Kylie de Beer
Head Buyer
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Thomas Wilkins
After Sales Care Manager
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Jana Robinson
Personal Assistant To Chief Executive Officer
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Glenn Miers
Pro Sales Manager
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Alexis Salmond-DeJara
Branch Manager
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Leah Henderson
Social Media and Content Coordinator
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Mia Gorczynski
Product Admin Manager
Wellington, Wellington Region, New Zealand
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