Rubizon Private Limited

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Rubizon Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian consultancy firm, focused on reduction of time and cost of developing novel and generic (small molecules and biosimilar) products, ensuring quality in-line with regulated market. Our goals for the future center on two ideas: • Collaborating with pharma companies during process development, characterization, validation and continuous process monitoring & improvement, ensuring a comprehensive yet cost effective insight into the process knowledge during R&D phase. This results in statistically controlled and capable process, minimizing the production cost and thereby ensuring affordable medicines for the patients. Key QbD offerings:  QTPP  Risk assessment  Process development  Scale Down Model  Process characterization | DoE  Linkage studies/Worst case scenario  Process validation  Control strategy  Continuous process monitoring  Annual product review  Stability studies • To address the gap between academic teaching and requirements as per the industry, we conduct training sessions and workshops. Our skill development programs are designed for:  Corporate/Industry employees  Research and educational institutions  Students/faculties  Any other interested individuals Key programs that we deliver are:  Design of experiment's  Quality by Design  Analytical & Preparative chromatography  Protein purification  Industrial Scale Up  Process characterization  Stability data analysis/trending  Technology Transfers  PAT implementation  Bioreactor designs  Process validation  Technical write up  Manufacturing Science & Technology Company details Website: https://www.rubizon.com/ Headquarters Bangalore, Karnataka Year founded 2017

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People working at Rubizon Private Limited
Vikrama N Prabhu
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Umesh T G
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Tamil selvan S
Research Intern
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Haripriya Ralegankar
Research Intern
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Vedanidhi VS
Research Intern
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Kaushal kumar Kushwaha
HPLC training in Rubizon pvt.ltd
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Janani S
Internship Trainee
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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