Rupa spol.s r.o.

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Rupa Ltd. is a family owned company established in 1996 in Prague as 100% Czech company which focuses on manufacturing of health nourishment with year turnover of above 10 million EUR. Products such as healthy muesli bars, nut bars, cereal bars, flapjacks or protein bars and gluten free bars represent the base product range. By cooperation with approved suppliers the high quality of raw material used is guaranteed. Having obtained the HACCP, IFS, Gluten Free, Kosher, Halal and other certificates, the company proves its high quality standards. Gradually Rupa has stabilized position itself as a reliable producer among its customers not only in Czech Republic. The company exports to more than 20 countries around the world.

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People working at Rupa spol.s r.o.
Milos Placek
Sales and Purchase manager
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Aneta Rainet Štěpánková
Chief Executive Director
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Martin Hrach
CEO a společník firmy
Ctibor Kačer
Export manager
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Tomáš Rainet
Výkonný ředitel
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Marie Neprašová
Specialista kvality
Prague, Prague, Czechia
Klara Thumova
Export Manager
Albert Štěpánek
Marketin Manager
Martina Boulova
Eva Nemeckova
Operátor výroby
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