Russell Investments

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Russell Investments is a leading outsourced CIO (OCIO) partner and global investment solutions firm providing a wide range of investment capabilities to institutional investors, financial intermediaries, and individual investors around the world. Building on an 87-year legacy of continuous innovation to deliver exceptional value to clients, Russell Investments works every day to improve the financial security of its clients. The firm is the world's sixth-largest investment adviser, with $1 trillion in assets under advisement (as of June 30, 2022) and $288.3 billion in assets under management (as of March 31, 2023) for clients in 32 countries. Headquartered in Seattle, Washington, Russell Investments has offices in 19 cities around the world, including London, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

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Russell Investments's headquarter address
Line 1: 1301 2nd Avenue, Floor 18, Seattle, WA 98101, US
Line 2: 1301 2nd Avenue
Russell Investments's industries
financial services
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People working at Russell Investments
Neil Rogan
Managing Director - Head of Adviser and Intermediary Solutions Australia
Seattle, Washington, United States
Zach Buchwald
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Seattle, Washington, United States
Alena Karr
Director, Global Manager Operational Due Diligence
Seattle, Washington, United States
Owen Davies FIA
Trustee - Russell Investments Pension Plan
Seattle, Washington, United States
Toby Donovan
Director, Global Digital Marketing
Seattle, Washington, United States
Josh Goodell, CFA
Director, Americas Institutional
Seattle, Washington, United States
Jeremy May
Independent Trustee at Russell Funds
Seattle, Washington, United States
Al Caesar
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)
Seattle, Washington, United States
Majid K.
Alternative Investments, Investment Division
Seattle, Washington, United States
Chris Ellam
Associate Director, U.K. Institutional
Seattle, Washington, United States
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