S&h S.r.l. (Software & Hardware) has been operating for 40 years proposing innovative solutions in the domain of industrial automation. Although R&D represents the core competence of the company, we have gained a unique expertise in full product development, from the conception to the production, also over mid and large scale: our products are conceived, designed, engineered, prototyped and produced by us, which gives us full control over the whole product life-cycle and unique flexibility for meeting our customers' needs. A significant part of our offer is addressed to the industrial automation, with both standard products and custom solutions (Position sensors, Optical linear scales, RT systems, Axes Controls for steppers, DC and brushless motors). In the past 10 eyars, we have been actively operating in the domain of sustainable development and electric mobility: today, we offer a full range of solutions for energy management (inverters, BMS, battery packs, wind turbines), products for the charge of electric vehicles (Mode 3 and Mode 4 charging points, wall boxes, custom solutions for fleets and private spaces) and electric outboard motors. S&h was awarded the Excellence Prize for Craft Businesses by Region Lombardia in 2000 .
- website: http://www.seh.it
- linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/s&h