Sabancı University IMC - Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center

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Sabancı University Composite Technologies Center of Excellence. Sabancı University Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center (SU-IMC) bridges research and innovation gaps through the transfer of technical and management experience from our partners and mentors. SU-IMC proposes to be the center of innovation and cutting-edge technology with a distinctive vision of combining advanced manufacturing including additive and unconventional manufacturing, and advanced composites technologies into integrated manufacturing and designed-for-manufacturing with high technology readiness levels and manufacturing readiness levels. The Center addresses the different spectra of value chains in integrated manufacturing and testing of composites on a single mission, but rather, establishing an integrated platform leading to a successfully operating and functioning international research and development institution. SU-IMC's principal focuses on innovative integrated and hybrid technologies that allow the value-added design and enhances the manufacturing capabilities for multiple industries selected by methodological analysis to increase EU's global competitiveness.

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People working at Sabancı University IMC - Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center
Devrim Ozaydin
Chief Executive Officer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Ali Cansun
Kompozit Ürün ve Teknoloji Geliştirme Müdürü
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Melih H. Parlatan
Lead Composite Manufacturing Engineer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Ezgi Yaşar
Composite Manufacturing Engineer
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Sebnem Ari Aktas
Operational Excellence Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Aytaç Subaşı
Business Development Lead
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Burcu Saner Okan, PhD
Academic Director
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Dilay Serttan, MSc
Business Development Leader
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Mansur CELEBI, Ph.D. , EMBA
Business Development Consultant
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Celal Sami Tüfekci
Member Of The Board Of Advisors
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
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