Saeco Professional - SaGa Coffee S.p.A.

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Saeco was launched in 1981 in Gaggio Montano, near Bologna, Italy, and produced its first super automatic espresso machine for the preparation of a true Italian "bean to cup" espresso in 1985. Since then, Saeco has been developing coffee machines that can satisfy the tastes of people with different lifestyles, in and out of the home, and in the consumer and professional channels. Today, Saeco Professional is an autonomous company focused on the out-of-home sector that can provide top solutions for Office, Ho.Re.Ca. and Automatic Vending venues. The company was able to develop its own know-how in house, so as to guarantee a product that is 100% made in Saeco: from research to prototyping, from development to pre-launch tests of new products. Saeco Professional is a global player, prominent in the professional coffee machines world business and characterised by the high technological level and the design of its products. OUR HISTORY. In 1985 Saeco created the first super automatic espresso machine, so that everybody could brew an authentic Italian espresso in their own homes. In the past 30 years Saeco also introduced many innovations: the team filed over 45 patents in the last 10 years, developed 10-15 projects every year and opened 3 research laboratories, one of which is also VDE-certified. Throughout its history, the addition of important stakeholders such as Philips and, since 2017, N&W Global Vending, allowed Saeco Professional to focus specifically on the out-of-home sector, and to prepare for new challenges and increasingly ambitious goals. THE SAECO PROFESSIONAL SOLUTIONS. For many years Saeco Professional has been developing projects for the B2B sector, also in partnership with important players in the out-of-home coffee sector. The willingness of the company to address the needs of the market and of the users more and more closely has led to the development of customised solutions, starting with their development and sale and ending with a strong after sales support for everyday activities. Saeco Professional has also a dedicated team and a set of online and offline tools to support the customer every day in terms of information, technical skills, spare parts and accessories.

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People working at Saeco Professional - SaGa Coffee S.p.A.
Gabriele Conte
Hardware Design Engineer
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Francesco Basile
Senior Cost Engineer
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
marco vitali
Impiegato tecnico
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Valerio Pedretti
Inspector of Industrial and Market Quality
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Valeria Piccinelli
Responsabile gestione team
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Monica Maccini
Impiegato amministrativo
Alessandro Cescato
R&D Engineer
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Gianluca Scazzieri
Master Data Specialist
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Taruffi Lamberto, Eros
Senior Demand Planner; Production Planner
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Cristiano Ceccarelli
Preposto area Salvagnini
Gaggio Montano, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
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