Salica Industria Alimentaria, S.A.

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Salica Industria Alimentaria S.A. is a canning company belonging to the Albacora Group. The group has the biggest European tuna fleet, the only one present in all the oceans, allowing a guaranteed supply for the customers of the group. Being a reference in the sector allows us to supply large consumer markets managed with the excellence of almost a century of experience in the business. Salica Industria Alimentaria S.A was created at the beginning of the 90s in the merger of two canneries: Campos and Astorquiza, two centenarial companies. After this union, a plant capable of supplying more markets is consolidated in a more efficient and competitive way, taking care of larger volumes, always guaranteeing supply. In 1993, the Albacora Group, one of the world's leading specialists in the sea as part of its growth strategy, acquires Salica Industria Alimentaria S.A. to expand its business along the seafood supply chain. Our goal is to bring our quality and craftsmanship to our products to offer a product of the highest quality guaranteed. We use the strictest quality standards promoting the fishing and commercialization of products from responsible fisheries while respecting the cold chain in all our products, conserving all the nutrients of an exceptional raw material.

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People working at Salica Industria Alimentaria, S.A.
Aintzi Laburu Landeta
Directora de Marketing
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Cristina Rodriguez
Directora de Exportaciones
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Borja Sagarduy
Responsable de recursos humanos
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Txema Anacabe Beascoa
Director Nacional de Ventas
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Marta Pagazaurtundua Zabala
Responsable de Desarrollo Sostenible
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Jone Azpiroz Ugartemendia
Responsable de Calidad
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Carlos Eizaguirre Irujo
Key Account Manager
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Paco Moyano
Director de logĂ­stica
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Ander Labayru Erkiaga
Trade Marketing Manager
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Asier Mendia Mendilibar
Director Comercial
Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
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