Samajik Yuva Sangthan Sansthan (SYSS)
Samajik Yuva Sangathan (Social Youth Forum) was founded in June 2003 with the idea of working with and towards younger generation of the society. The organization was formally registered on 31 March 2005 under Rajasthan Society Registration Act 1958 as Samajik Yuva Sangathan Sansthan , with the core value of uniting the youth of Rajasthan and fight all social menaces and atrocities such as superstition, communalism, casteism, regionalism, religious fundamentalism, etc. Vision: Our vision is to see young people taking a leadership role in addressing the most urgent issues facing the world, supported by their communities, civil society, government and businesses. Build a platform for the youth, by the youth to develop a unified voice and take collective action toward Social, Economic, and Environmental progress. Mission: Our mission is to place young people at the forefront of development. Provide Education, Resources and leadership opportunities to youth so that they contribute toward s sustainable development on local, regional and national level and address issues related to Youth, Women Empowerment, Gender equality, Child Development, Health and Environment Objective: We aim to create awareness and capacity building of the rural and semi-urban population of Rajasthan for Social, Health , Education , Economic and Democratic issues by empowering and engaging youth.
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