Samson & Surrey

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Samson & Surrey unites the very best craft brands in the world as one family. Real brands made by real people with real stories. We believe in the supremacy of the human touch. That's what craft is really all about. Inspiration, perspiration and some luck. All of this experienced and shared by real people. We are so proud to represent FEW spirits of Chicago, Bluecoat Gins of Philadelphia, Widow Jane Whiskies of Brooklyn New York, Brenne French Single Malt of Cognac and Mezcal Vago of Oaxaca. If you like what we do and would be like to part of our family please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank You

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Samson & Surrey's headquarter address
Line 1: 8950 southwest 74th court, miami, florida, united states
Line 2: 8950 SW 74th Ct
Samson & Surrey's industries
wine & spirits
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People working at Samson & Surrey
John Valdes
Vice President, Finance & Operations
Miami, Florida, United States
Enrique Gomez, MBA, CPA
Head Of Operations
Miami, Florida, United States
Kyle McHugh
Director of Brand Advocacy
Miami, Florida, United States
Robert Furniss Roe
Miami, Florida, United States
Aaron Chase
East Division Director
Miami, Florida, United States
Juan Rovira
Chief Operating Officer
Salvador Blanco
International Sales Director
Miami, Florida, United States
Robert Vives
Sales Director West
Chris Dunn
Marketing Manager, Portfolio Brands
Miami, Florida, United States
Rob Maltese
Regional Manager
Miami, Florida, United States
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