San Jose Water

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Founded in 1866, San Jose Water is an investor owned public utility, and is one of the largest and most technically sophisticated urban water system in the United States. We serve over 1 million people in the greater San Jose metropolitan area with high quality, life sustaining water with an emphasis on exceptional customer service. SJW also provides services to other utilities including operations and maintenance, billing, and backflow testing. By sharing these services with others, we provide a benefit to the local community, lower the cost of water operations, improve opportunities, and earn a profit. SJW is owned by SJW Group., a publicly traded company listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol SJW. SJW Group. also owns SJW Land Company, and SJWTX, Inc.

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San Jose Water's headquarter address
Line 1: 110 west taylor street, san jose, california, united states
Line 2: 110 West Taylor Street
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