Sandbrook Capital

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We are a private investment firm dedicated exclusively to building businesses that help transform the world's energy infrastructure. By partnering with courageous entrepreneurs that share our drive to fight climate change, we create impactful companies that move us closer to a net-zero world and deliver strong returns for our investors. Our founders have each accumulated decades of experience operating, funding, and supporting climate infrastructure companies. They have worked together for over 14 years to formulate and refine a shared investment philosophy that has supported the growth of industry leaders such as Pattern Energy, Enviva Biomass, Silver Ridge Power, and SeaJacks Ltd. In 2021, this partnership evolved into Sandbrook Capital – a firm built from the ground up to help exceptional entrepreneurs tackle the greatest challenge of our time.

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Sandbrook Capital's headquarter address
Line 1: 677 Washington Blvd, Stamford, Connecticut 06901, US
Line 2: 677 Washington Blvd
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investment management
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People working at Sandbrook Capital
Andreas Nauen
Member Board Of Directors and Chair Audit & Remuneration Committee
Geet Bhatt
Vice President
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Carl Williams
Co-Founder and Partner
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Kenneth Ryan
Co-Founder and Partner
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Abdulaziz Alfalih
Advisory Board Member
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Christopher Hunt
Co-Founder and Partner at Sandbrook Capital
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Alfredo Marti
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Jen Hanners
Principal, Founding Team Member
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Yunos Siddiqi
Senior Associate
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
Nicholas Pibl
Associate, Founding Team Member
Stamford, Connecticut, United States
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