Satrix Investments
Satrix offers a range of Exchange Traded Funds (ETF's), which are passively managed investment funds with the aim of replicating the price and yield performance of a particular index. This objective is achieved by holding the exact weighting and number of shares that constitutes that particular index. Satrix currently offers seven funds, namely Satrix 40, Satrix FINI, Satrix INDI, Satrix RESI, Satrix SWIX, Satrix DIVI and Satrix RAFI which are listed on the JSE (Johannesburg Stock Exchange). Investing in Satrix is an efficient way of gaining diversified equity market exposure at low costs. You are able to invest in the performance of the JSE, with one simple, low cost effective investment. Satrix securities are issued by Satrix Managers (Pty) Ltd, which is registered by the Financial Services Board, as an administrator of a Collective Investment Scheme (CIS). They are listed on the JSE and traded like any other JSE listed share. The underlying shares of the constituent companies in the relevant index are held by a CIS Trust under a contractual relationship with the issuing company. Holding the underlying basket of shares at all times enables the Satrix Trust to replicate the index performance (price and dividends). Satrix is an authorised financial services provider (FSP no. 15658). Satrix Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd is an authorized financial services provider and a registered and approved manager in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act.
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