Savery Hydraulics

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Savery Hydraulics is a leading expert in the design and manufacture of hydraulic solutions including large, bespoke systems, electro-hydraulic control systems and small individual units. Our service includes the installation and commissioning of any project undertaken for industries such as aerospace, defence, automotive and other companies who use mobile equipment. We also supply custom power packs and bespoke manifold assemblies and is a UK distributor for the Hydraforce range of valves and electro-hydraulic components and Delta motion control units. By utilising our expertise in cartridge manifold design, coupled with our pump and motor combinations we can offer engineered solutions to suit any application. Our ongoing investment in research and development ensures that we are continually updating our designs and introducing new products and services to our portfolio. Savery is a member of the British Fluid Power Association and is certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

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People working at Savery Hydraulics
Stuart Hickinbottom
Operations Manager
Bob Holmes
Products Manager at Savery Hydraulics
Kelly Dalby
Senior Buyer
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
Graham Wood
Managing Director
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
Cristina Marin
Graduate Applications Engineer
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
Nathan Golsby-Taylor
Graduate Applications Engineer
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
Ryan Pickles
Control systems electrician
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
Steve Papps
Senior Design Engineer
Lucy Hornsby
Design Engineer
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
Brian Pearman
Hydraulic systems test engineer
Exhall, England, United Kingdom
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