Scanfil plc

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Scanfil is an international contract manufacturer and system supplier for the electronics industry with 40 years of experience in demanding contract manufacturing. Scanfil provides its customers with an extensive array of services, ranging from product design to product manufacturing, material procurement and logistics solutions. Vertically integrated production and a comprehensive supply chain are the foundation of Scanfil's competitive advantages: speed, flexibility and reliability. Typical Scanfil products include mobile and communications network devices, automation system modules, frequency converters, lift control systems, analysers, various slot and vending machines, and devices related to medical technology and meteorology. Scanfil services are used by numerous international automation, energy, IT and health service providers, as well as companies operating in the field of urbanisation. Scanfil is listed on the NASDAQ OMX, Helsinki and SCL1V, and its network of factories consists of 10 production units in Europe, Asia and North America. The total number of employees is 3,500.

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People working at Scanfil plc
Tomi Takanen
Director Global Sourcing
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Jaron Cherry
Global Business Development Manager
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Markku Kosunen
Chief Procurement Officer
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Maarit Säilynoja
ICT Director
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Minna Oksanen
Director, Group Marketing and Communications
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Mikael Åberg
Global Category Manager at Scanfil
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Jakub Juchner
Global Supply Chain Manager
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Magdalena Szweda
HR Manager
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Christina Wiklund
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
Sievi, North Ostrobothnia, Finland
Mika Torvikoski
Global Sourcing Manager
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