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The SCHURTER Group is a globally successful Swiss technology company. With our components ensuring the clean and safe supply of power, input systems for easeof use and sophisticated overall solutions, we impress our customers with agility and excellent product and service quality. As a leading innovator, SCHURTER manufactures and distributes components for circuit protection, as well as connectors, switches and EMC products. In close cooperation with the customers, input systems are developed and manufactured. SCHURTER also offers services for the electronics industry in the field of printed circuit board assembly. The business unit Solutions coordinates complete solutions from project planning to the manufacture of end products. 22 companies in 17 countries belong to the SCHURTER Group, 11 companies of which have their own production sites. This ensures that all major markets can be served by their own companies. They are coordinated from three hubs: SCHURTER AG in Lucerne for Europe, SCHURTER Inc. in Santa Rosa for America as well as SCHURTER (S) Pte. Ltd. in Singapore for Asia. In addition, SCHURTER has representatives in about 60 countries and works together with over 200 distributors. This close-knit network guarantees that SCHURTER products are securely and quickly available internationally.

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SCHURTER Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 8 werkhofstrasse, lucerne, lucerne, switzerland
Line 2: 8 Werkhofstrasse
SCHURTER Group's industries
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
SCHURTER Group's technology
Amazon AWS Amazon CloudFront DynECT Google AdSense Google AdWords Conversion Google Analytics Google Play Google Tag Manager Hotjar Hubspot Linkedin Marketing Solutions Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly New Relic Nginx Outlook React Remote Route 53 Varnish YouTube iTunes reCAPTCHA
People working at SCHURTER Group
Mihai-Dorin NOVAC
Regional Sales, Romania & Bulgaria at Burisch Elektronik Bauteile GmbH
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Ralph Mueller
Group CEO
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Günther Saathoff
Head of Global IT
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Sonja Eidenberger Pusterla
Head Purchasing EMS/EMC
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Georg Springl
Team Manager Railway Technology Burisch Elektronik Bauteile GmbH
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Alessandro Colombo
Head Supply Chain EMC-EMS Competence Center
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Christian Holzgang
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Kevin Turner
Managing Director
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Bruno Zemp
Head Advanced Engineering
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
Urs Heller
Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
Sachseln, Obwalden, Switzerland
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