Schwab Charitable

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Schwab Charitable™ is an independent 501(c)(3) public charity established in 1999 to help donors maximize the impact of their charitable giving with a tax-smart donor-advised fund account. Since inception, our donors have granted over $10 billion* to charity. A Schwab Charitable donor-advised fund account enables donors to contribute cash or appreciated assets to a charitable account to help realize the greatest possible tax benefits—and then support their favorite charities over time. We serve a wide range of charitable donors with accounts ranging in size from $5,000 to more than $500 million. With Schwab Charitable, donors are empowered to incorporate charitable planning into their everyday lives, giving them the potential to make a bigger difference in the world. A donor's ability to claim itemized deductions is subject to a variety of limitations depending on the donor's specific tax situation. Consult your tax advisor for more information. Schwab Charitable is the name used for the combined programs and services of Schwab Charitable Fund, an independent nonprofit organization. Schwab Charitable Fund has entered into service agreements with certain affiliates of The Charles Schwab Corporation. © 2018 Schwab Charitable Fund. All rights reserved. (0418-8Y5A)

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Schwab Charitable's headquarter address
Line 1: 211 main st, san francisco, california, united states
Line 2: 211 Main Street
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People working at Schwab Charitable
Sam Kang
San Francisco, California, United States
Fred Kaynor
Managing Director, Marketing and Business Development
San Francisco, California, United States
Michael Maestas, CPA CFA
Managing Director, Investment Oversight and Due Diligence
San Francisco, California, United States
Anne Casscells
Member Board Of Directors
San Francisco, California, United States
Stasia Washington
Advisory Council Member
San Francisco, California, United States
Michelle Aubrey
Senior Manager, Charitable Consulting
San Francisco, California, United States
Cathy Cromer
Business Strategy Manager
San Francisco, California, United States
Cristi Baurichter
Senior Operations Manager, Grants
San Francisco, California, United States
Ashley McClintock
Director, Risk Management & Operational Compliance
San Francisco, California, United States
Candice Sagehorn, CAP®
Director, Relationship Management
San Francisco, California, United States
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