SciMed Partners, Inc.

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Tactical and Strategic Services for the Life Sciences Industry to Support a Better Bottom Line SciMed Partners helps companies, investors, and entrepreneurs by offering both strategic and tactical services. Services within strategic areas of concern including the market, technology, and intellectual property where third-party objective opinion may be critical. We also help companies get where they need to go by offering tactical services to operationalize strategies and initiatives. These are services that require hands-on implementation or "where the rubber meets the road" assistance and support. Focus areas include medical devices, healthcare IT, diagnostics, and biotech. We're strategically located in one of the world's centers of innovation, the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley.

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SciMed Partners, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 39270 paseo padre pkwy, fremont, california, united states
Line 2: 39270 Paseo Padre Parkway
SciMed Partners, Inc.'s industries
medical devices
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People working at SciMed Partners, Inc.
Susie Faries, MBA
Fremont, California, United States
Scott Taper
Scitechcal Commercialization and Licensing Consultant to SciMed
Fremont, California, United States
Tony Eistetter
Senior Consulting Partner
Fremont, California, United States
Travis Kusman, MPH
Senior Consulting Partner
Fremont, California, United States
David DeNola
Fremont, California, United States
Michael P. Hite
Fremont, California, United States
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