SENS Research Foundation

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SENS Research Foundation (SRF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on transforming the way the world researches and treats age-related disease. SRF focuses on a damage repair paradigm for treating the diseases of aging, which it advances through scientific research, advocacy and education. SENS Research Foundation supports research projects at universities and institutes around the world with the goal of curing such age-related diseases as macular degeneration, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. Educating the public about how we can solve the economic and political issues stemming from an aging world population and training researchers to support a growing regenerative medicine field are also major endeavors of the organization that are being accomplished though advocacy campaigns and educational programs.

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SENS Research Foundation's headquarter address
Line 1: our mailing address is 110 pioneer way suite j, mountain view, california, usa, 94041
Line 2: 110 Pioneer Way
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People working at SENS Research Foundation
Lisa Fabiny-Kiser
Chief Executive Officer
Mountain View, California, United States
Barbara Logan
Board Member
Kevin Dewalt
Member Board of Directors
Mountain View, California, United States
Kevin Perrott PhD
Co-Founder and Treasurer
Mountain View, California, United States
Abdelhadi Rebbaa
Group Lead
Mountain View, California, United States
Marek Pinto
Computational Research Intern
Mountain View, California, United States
Elena Magay
Laboratory Manager
Mountain View, California, United States
Amit Sharma
Group Lead
Mountain View, California, United States
Jess Blair
Development Associate
Mountain View, California, United States
Amutha Boominathan
Group Lead
Mountain View, California, United States
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