Senzo Health

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Senzo is a deep-tech bio-med company developing testing products and IP with offices in Los Angeles and London. Senzo was founded with the vision of utilising microfluidics to create mobile devices with the ability to accurate identify diseases at their very inception. Existing testing technologies are like the IBM mainframe computers of the 1950s: large, slow and expensive. Senzo is creating modern systems which are fast, accurate and mobile. Senzo is bringing testing to the patient instead of sending patient samples offsite to specialist laboratories around the world. With insights generated at the point of care in near real-time healthcare professionals can identify life threatening disease at an earlier stage increasing treatment outcomes and saving lives.

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Senzo Health's headquarter address
Line 1: 10 west road, london, england, united kingdom
Line 2: 10 West Road
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People working at Senzo Health
Jeremy Stackawitz
Chief Executive Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Aron Rachamim
President & COO
London, England, United Kingdom
Mohamed Lemine Youba DIAKITE
Chief Technology Officer
London, England, United Kingdom
Alex Mohacs
Business Development
London, England, United Kingdom
Huan Le
London, England, United Kingdom
Dr. Shayalini Wignarajah PhD
Senior Bioassay Scientist
London, England, United Kingdom
Jake Raby
VP Bioassay Development
Jared Slosberg
Co-Founder & Executive Chairman
London, England, United Kingdom
Anna Nan Wang
Director of China Business Development
London, England, United Kingdom
Jebin Jacob John
Senior Scientist (R&D)
London, England, United Kingdom
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