SEPIS (Saman Energy Petroleum Industry Supply)

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Saman Energy Petroleum Industry Supply Co., SEPIS, has been registered as a Private Joint Stock Company on 22/10/2014, with its central office located at Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), West Blvd. Azadi Sport Complex, Tehran, Iran. The main shareholders of this company are Research Institute of petroleum Industry (RIPI, R&D Deputy of Iranian Ministry of petroleum) and Saman Faraz Gheshm Co. The company has been initially registered as the first spin-off company of RIPI active in research, production, sale, import and export of chemical products, machinery and laboratory equipment associated with oil, gas and petrochemical. Saman Energy Petroleum Industry Supply Company uses the experience and expertise of a large number of faculty members and senior experts in the oil, gas and petrochemical upstream and downstream fields.

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People working at SEPIS (Saman Energy Petroleum Industry Supply)
Niloofar Karimi
Commercial Export
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Mahdi Jafari
Tehran, Tehran, Iran
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