Sever Minerals

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Sever Minerals provides technological solutions to clients ranging from mining/processing, metallurgical and chemical plants. We are the official distributor of Metso, WEG, Danfoss, Element and Multotec products, fulfilling a full range of services related to the supply of equipment, spare/wear parts delivery, warranty and aftermarket maintenance. Our 40 offices span across Russia, Kazakhstan and Finland.

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Sever Minerals's headquarter address
Line 1: vorovskogo 5/23 r.201-207, saint petersburg, florida, united states
Line 2: 201 23rd Ave N
Sever Minerals's industries
Engineering Services
Sever Minerals's technology
Bitrix Bootstrap Framework Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook Yandex Metrica
People working at Sever Minerals
Elizaveta Kotenko
Head of Talent Acquisition and On-boarding
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Alexey Krivosar
Director Of Procurement
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Vitalii Borozdin
Head of equipment procurement
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Doskhan Jexembayev
Sales Engineer
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Aleksandr Malygin
Project manager
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Julia Kraeva
Deputy HR Director
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Sergey Rumyantsev
Head of department mill lining sales
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Андрей Бухвалов
BIM Manager
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Stanislav Shostok
Head of project execution team
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
Сабина Доскен
Talent Acquisition and On-boarding Manager
St Petersburg, St Petersburg City, Russia
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