Sex Toy Brand-YASBABY

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YASBABY IS Top 5 sex brand in the world INCLUDING Svakom and Zemaliam YASBABY DESIGN USA LIMITED was founded in 2012 in the United States. It has been dedicated to design, research, development, manufacturing and marketing of premium sex toys for years. As a luxury adult toy brand YASBABY products received RED DOT awards and IF awards from Germany, Golden Pin Design Awards from TaiWan. In 2015, YASBABY received "Most Innovative Company 2015 " award from Erofame and was appraised by SIGN magazine as " Best Toy Technology 2015 ". In Aug of 2017, YASBABY won " The Luxurious Toy Line of The Year " from HongKong AEE. YASBABY was nominated three times as Worldwide Premium Female Sex Toy Brand and was very honored to be invited by Celebrity Connected to attend the Emmy Awards, American Music Awards and Oscars in 2017 and 2018. The company also showed their support by donating part of their monthly income throughout the year to different charities for MOVEMBER, AIDS and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. YASBABY is a worldwide recognized brand of innovative adult products. Its products have been sold to more than 70 countries and areas worldwide and now it's one of the fastest growing companies in Adult Toy industry.

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Line 1: newark, delaware
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People working at Sex Toy Brand-YASBABY
amin Ghambari
Newark, Delaware, United States
hai ming
Sales Manager
Newark, Delaware, United States
Rahul Rahul
Sex Therapist
Newark, Delaware, United States
B ム S U R U D
Newark, Delaware, United States
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