SGM environmental

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SGM environmental provides industry leading services in soil science, geochemistry, mine closure and environmental approvals and science cost efficiently. When you engage SGME you will have experienced leading industry experts dedicated to your project. At SGME we support you to achieve your objectives in ways that contribute to an enduring outcome. SGME is a boutique consulting firm of experienced industry experts working with our clients and their stakeholders to develop and deliver innovative solutions to complicated challenges that create enduring value. We are located near Brisbane (Australia), but work worldwide. SGME Services: Soil Science: Our team of certified professional soil scientists (CPSS) will work with you to determine the outcomes that are required of the soil survey and then develop a soil survey strategy that is cost effective and satisfies state/territory planning requirements Geochemistry: We will help you to understand your mine waste geochemistry through application of leading practice principals Mine & quarry closure: We will advocate strongly for you and guide you through the process of closing your mine/quarry Environmental approvals & science: We have the capability to coordinate and manage your projects in the fields of environmental management, waste management, mine closure and rehabilitation SGMEs Director, Dr Timothy Rohde, is an environmental scientist specialising in soil science, geochemistry and mine closure. He is an experienced closure and rehabilitation specialist, and regularly works with legislation, best practice guidelines and completes technical investigations to develop tailored closure and rehabilitation options. He specialises in storage facility design, final landform design, cover design, geochemistry, decommissioning and closure cost estimation. Also an experienced soil scientist, he regularly assesses land capability and agricultural suitability. SGMEs values are positivity || trust || innovation || safety.

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Line 1: 20/37 mcdonald rd, windsor, queensland 4030, au
Line 2: 37 McDonald Rd
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People working at SGM environmental
Timothy Rohde
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Justin Vohland
Director SGM Environmental Mackay
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Anna Rohde
Administration and Financial Officer
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Lachlan McDonald
Environmental Scientist
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Tichafa Mhiti
Senior Ecologist
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Harrison Vogler
Graduate Environmental Engineer
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Georgia Greening
Environmental Engineer
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Benjamin Harper
Graduate Environmental Scientist
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Lubna Ferdous
Undergraduate Environmental Engineer
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
Anna Riddell
Environmental Scientist
Lutwyche, Queensland, Australia
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