ShangHai Haiqi Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.

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Haiqi Group was established in 1995. It is a professional global environmental protection group company. Its subsidiaries include: environmental protection equipment manufacturing, environmental protection equipment sales, agency cooperation, technical joint ventures, project consulting, project design, project operation, project trusteeship, project management A high-tech group company that is contracted in one. The group's main three solid waste sectors: agricultural and forestry waste (comprehensive disposal of straw), domestic (island/ocean) waste/industrial waste (reduction, harmless, resource disposal), domestic sludge/industrial sludge/ Oil sludge/livestock manure (reduction, recycling disposal). Four core products: Biomass Distributed Comprehensive Utilization Energy Station, Biomass Mobile Energy Station, Marine Waste Mobile Energy Station, Domestic Waste Pyrolysis and Gasification Energy Station. Through years of bold innovation and practice, Haiqi has obtained multiple international certifications and domestic industry recognition in the field of environmental solid waste, and has applied for more than 100 intellectual property rights. It has built 2000+ project cases worldwide and has 22 overseas companies worldwide. Branches, products have been exported to more than 70 countries and regions around the world, serving more than 2000 customers worldwide. Haiqi Environmental Protection adheres to the corporate philosophy of using technology to change the environment and technology to change the future, creating a better future with all users around the world.

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renewables & environment
People working at ShangHai Haiqi Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.
Steven Su
Chief Executive Officer
Daisy li
Product Operations Manager
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