Shigadry with Earth Co.

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Shigadry With Earth Company (Pvt) Limited is the international Marketing and Product Development arm of Shigadry Group of Japan, a leader in technology research and innovations especially in health care, environment and bedding domains. Our three tiered Charter of health, environment and comfort envisions quality habitation on Earth. Operating since 1966, the Shigadry Group has earned much credibility in its specialized fields. Amongst many an achievement the Group is proud of its world leading innovations which include, GZ-08 a Powerful Multipurpose Antimicrobial, the direct Carbon Negative Product Concept the Ethanol production from Rubber Sap & the Super-flex total Infection Control Hospital Mattress.

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Shigadry with Earth Co.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 35, Norris Canal Road, Colombo - 10, Colombo, WP 94, LK
Line 2: 114 Norris Cannel Road
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People working at Shigadry with Earth Co.
Naushad Mohideen
Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Naushad Mohideen
Chaminda Serasinha
Consultant Sustainable Innovation
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