Shire of Merredin

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The Shire of Merredin covers an area of 3,372 sq kms, incorporating the townsites of Burracoppin, Muntadgin, Hines Hill and the localities of Goomarin, Korbel, Nangeenan, Nokanning, Norpa, Nukarni, South Burracoppin, and Tandegin. The Council strives to encourage a vibrant community that offers a comprehensive range of local and regional services. Its aim is to work with all communities in the Central Wheatbelt to support quality of life as well as economic and social development within the region. Merredin also boasts promising industry prospects with WA's largest wind farm and soon to be built solar farm. We rest at the junction where WA's power lines meet between Perth, Kalgoorlie and Collie and the Merredin CBH grain receival point hosts the southern hemisphere's largest grain storage facility measuring 610m x 59m and able to hold 220,000 tonnes of wheat. The CBH receival point also forms part of WA's recently opened PUBLIC Silo Trail which starts in Northam and finishes in Albany.

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People working at Shire of Merredin
Lisa Clack
Chief Executive Officer
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Lindon Mellor
Executive Manager Engineering Services
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Andrina Prnich
Deputy Chief Executive Officer / Executive Manager Community Services
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Chloe Townsend
Acting Executive Manager Community Services/ Deputy CEO
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Renee Manning
Elected member
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Wendy Porter
Regional Manager of Library Services
Mark McKenzie
Shire President
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Olivia Mellor
Governance Officer
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Geoff Garside
Executive Manager Corporate Services
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
Daniel Hay-Hendry
Manager of Projects
Goomarin, Western Australia, Australia
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