Shire of Narrogin

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Our progressive and thriving community is located in the Wheatbelt South region of Western Australia. The greater township of Narrogin is set on the traditional land of the Noongar people of the Gnaala Karla Booja region and sixteen kilometres to Narrogin's south is our other community hub - Highbury. Narrogin is very accessible through its high standard of transport infrastructure including rail, sealed highway access and a two-strip airport with the main strip sealed. Residents are serviced with: excellent public utilities access; an abundant quality water supply; reliable power; a telecommunications connection to the optical cable network and connected to the NBN. Narrogin offers extensive community services provided through the highly-regarded Narrogin Regional Hospital and pro-active aged care services. The sporting fraternity is well catered for by the Shire's fully-equipped recreation complex with heated indoor pool, well maintained sports grounds, numerous sports clubs, an active Library and Heritage Museum. The Narrogin arts community is strongly represented through ARtS Narrogin and the NEXIS Committee's facilitation of events, classes and community interaction. Education is well provided for through the three Independent primary schools. a senior high school and agricultural college, a residential college and TAFE college. In addition to all the facilities and services that are provided by the Shire of Narrogin, there is also child care, kindergartens, various professional and medical services, all major banks, farm advisors, accountancy and legal firms, bakeries, butchers, fast food outlets, venues for hire, supermarkets, many specialty shops, cafes, hotels and restaurants and many service organisations, sporting groups and personal interest and hobby groups.

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People working at Shire of Narrogin
Dale Stewart
Chief Executive Officer
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Leigh Ballard
Shire President
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Alexander Mulenga BAcc, FCCA, CAANZ, Dip IFRS
Corporate Services Manager
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Nicole Bryant
Finance Manager
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Mark Furr
Executive Manager Corporate & Community Services
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Sukanya Roopchand
Engineering Technical Officer
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Kunal Sarma
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
David Johnston
Regional Planning Officer
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Manisha Barthakur
Senior Finance Officer- Strategic
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
Azhar Awang
Executive Manager Development and Regulatory Services
Narrogin Valley, Western Australia, Australia
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