Shoalter Technology

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Shoalter Technology is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Hong Kong listed company (SEHK: 1137), HKTV Group, which was founded in 1992 with extensive and successful experiences in popularizing advanced technology and applications. We are the technology arm of the market-leading online shopping platform in Hong Kong - HKTVmall. Launched in 2015, HKTVmall has established its feature-rich shopping platform and has been constantly enhancing the platform for top-notch cost-efficiency and customer experience. In 2020, Shoalter Technology took place, aiming to provide the ultimate end-to-end solution to our invested partners. The name of Shoalter Technology carries the vision to provide an ecommerce platform for the unity of different retailers to change and to search for new direction for future of the industry. "Shoalter" is a combination of the word "Shoal", meaning a group of small fishes united to fight against giants and external enemies, and the word "alter" carries the meaning of changing the nature of matters. We are here to make changes together with our partners. To find out about our cutting edge e-commerce solution, go to We enable profitable e-commerce through self-developed software systems, robotic automation, big data analytics, machine learning, and beyond. If you're keen to learn new skills, work in a supportive and innovative team, and help us craft a world-beating service, then find vacancies on

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Shoalter Technology's headquarter address
Line 1: 1 chun cheong street, hong kong, new territories, hong kong
Line 2: 1 Tung Cheong St
Shoalter Technology's industries
information technology & services
Shoalter Technology's technology
Amazon AWS AngularJS Bootstrap Framework Google Tag Manager Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Outlook
People working at Shoalter Technology
Kenneth Lau
Chief Executive Officer
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Senior Natural Language Processing Engineer
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Simon Cheuk
Senior Data Scientist
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Lynn Liu
Assistant Product Manager
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Polly Wu
Programmer II
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Hsuan-Ju (Daniel A.) Lee
Head of Talent Management / Training & Development Consultant
Harden Li
Manager - Operation and Automation Solutions
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Jennifer Weng
Senior Human Resources Specialist
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Matt Yeung
Senior Programmer
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
Luke Lee
Senior iOS Developer
Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR
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