შპს ვესტ ინვესტი/West Invest LTD

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LTD "West Invest" was founded in 2006 and represents one of the largest suppliers of food products in Georgia. We offer up to 100 kinds of high quality products: chicken products, pork and beef, seafood and oil, which are produced by the best companies in different countries. LTD "West Invest" imports products from Germany, USA, UK, Canada, France, Brazil, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, the Netherlands, Ukraine, China. LTD "West Invest" is one of the most experienced supplier of food products in Georgia and has been successfully operating ever since. The company's mainly focused on customers and make every effort so that the client has received the highest quality and safe product. In the delivery process, we carefully select the right temperature in order to ensure compliance with the standards of delivery. It is equally important for us to provide reliable storage conditions of our products in stock. Company "Invest West" has refrigerators both in Tbilisi and in different regions all over Georgia. LTD "West Invest" is one of the largest distribution companies in the market with an extensive distribution network. The company is headquartered in Tbilisi, and has offices throughout Georgia (Batumi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Gori, Telavi). The company also owns stores in Tbilisi, Rustavi, Batumi and Kutaisi. Today, the company supplies 4,000 stores across the country. Also, successfully cooperates with largest supermarket chains all over Georgia.

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შპს ვესტ ინვესტი/West Invest LTD's headquarter address
Line 1: #13, Grigol Lortkipanidze St., Tbilisi, GE
Line 2: 13 Grigol Lortkipanidze Street
შპს ვესტ ინვესტი/West Invest LTD's industries
mechanical or industrial engineering
შპს ვესტ ინვესტი/West Invest LTD's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly
People working at შპს ვესტ ინვესტი/West Invest LTD
Irakli Chachava
Chief Executive Officer
Tbilisi, Georgia
Davit Markhulia
Head Of Procurement Department
Tbilisi, Georgia
Giorgi Gogichashvili
Deputy CEO
Tbilisi, Georgia
mari tsiklauri
International Purchasing Manager
Tbilisi, Georgia
Tea Gotsadze
Marketing and brand Manager
Tbilisi, Georgia
Ana Akhmeteli
HR Manager
Tbilisi, Georgia
Ani Makharashvili
Financial Analyst
Tbilisi, Georgia
Alexander Karaulashvili
General Manager Production
Tbilisi, Georgia
teo tsotseria
ოფის მენეჯერი
Tbilisi, Georgia
zviadi fangabi
Tbilisi, Georgia
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