
Signature |PR

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Signature|PR is a Boutique Media Communications Agency, representing fabulous Personal and Product Brands in Business, Fashion, Entertainment, Alcohol, and Luxury Lifestyle. We specialize in connecting top-emerging Social Entrepreneurs, Thought Leaders, and Celebrity Influencers with our Client's Personal and Product Brands, taking them to the next level of their SUCCESS! Signature|PR is a Multi-Media Brand Marketing Solution—Discover, Define, Design, and Deliver. Our media agency offers a unique blend of multi-media PR marketing solutions and creative visual social content that engages and entertains audiences. We build strong alliances through impactful social campaigns that promote BRAND advocacy.

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Signature |PR's headquarter address
Line 1: 1187 coast village rd, santa barbara, california 93108, us
Line 2: 1187 Coast Village Rd
Signature |PR's industries
public relations & communications
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Gmail Google Apps Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Ontraport Varnish Wix YouTube
People working at Signature |PR
Annamarie Seabright
CEO / Publicist
Santa Barbara, California, United States
Anastasia Marie
Creative Director
Santa Barbara, California, United States
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