Simba Education

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Inspired to change the lives of children across the globe, we have taken on the challenge to find a sustainable solution to bring education to urban slums. Simba Education creates access to quality early childhood education for children living in urban slums, using a holistic curriculum that caters for each stage of development, accompanied by a learning management system to track the progress of every child. The curriculum is designed to use materials that can be found in a slum environment and is housed on a low-cost mobile device. Simba combines entrepreneurship and education to form our community of Edupreneurs. These edupreneurswill distribute Simba's curriculum, bringing education as close to the students as possible. Simba's low cost model was designing specifically to provide education that is affordable to the world's poorest populations.

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Line 1: johannesburg
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government administration
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Apache Bootstrap Framework Gmail Google Apps Google Cloud Hosting Mobile Friendly Nginx Ubuntu Varnish Wix
People working at Simba Education
Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa
Fortune Kaseke
Project Team Lead
Tinashe Kaseke
Pesistence Ongai Mudzongo Dube
Early Childhood Educator
Dedication Mureyi
ECD Practitioner
Tinashe Musharu
Administrative Assistant
Lauren Ford
Simba Education Consultant
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