Simoldes Plastics

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Simoldes Plastics is a set of companies belonging to Simoldes, with headquarters in Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal. Founded in 1959, Simoldes began exporting in 1961. Since 1968, Simoldes is working for automotive industry, being this sector the biggest responsible for Simoldes turnover.Simoldes Plastics is composed of 9 plants: Simoldes Plásticos created in 1980, Inplas in 1993, Plastaze in 1997, Simoldes Plásticos France in 1998, Simoldes Plásticos Brasil in 1996, Simoldes Plásticos Industria in 1996, Simoldes Plásticos Polska in 2003, Simoldes Plásticos Czech Republic in 2015, and Simoldes Plásticos Morocco in 2018.To support these manufacturing companies, Simoldes Plastics has its headquarters in Portugal and four technical / commercial sites in France, Germany and Spain.Working for the main OEMs and product suppliers, Simoldes aims to be the preferred choice of its customers, employees and suppliers, contributing to a sustainable growth and satisfaction of its stakeholders.

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People working at Simoldes Plastics
Carla Silva
R&I Project Manager
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Rui Angelo
Chief Operations Officer
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Domingos Pinto
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
António Silva
Customer Follower
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Marco Pinto
Cybersecurity Manager at Group Simoldes, Plastics Division
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Miguel Pinho
Digital Transformation Project Manager
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Luis Faustino
SAP Project Director
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Laura Correia
Product Compliance
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Rui Tavares
West Operations Manager
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
Artur Quelhas António Quelhas
Oliveira de Azemeis, Aveiro, Portugal
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